Thursday, August 30, 2012

Soylent Green: It's What's for Dinner

We thought we’d be served some red meat by Paul Ryan in his Convention speech last night, but I felt like I got my blood sucked instead.
 I can still feel the fang marks.  He not only looks like a vampire, his seductive blue eyes and deceptive boyish good looks are geared toward taking you by surprise when the fangs go in.  Soon we may all be a nation of the undead if the Republican have their way. 
                                      Paul Ryan and Eddie Muster: Separated at Birth?
The meat they offering is just pink slime dressed up in Republican red white and blue.  Or is it something worse?

No red meat, or even rattlesnake that tastes like chicken, they offer up a diet of lies, devoid of nutrition, but sold in Prime-Time to a nation hungry for answers to the question of why they can’t find work, their kids can’t afford school, their homes are about to be foreclosed on.   Why they can’t afford health insurance.  Ryan glibly says Trust us, we’ll save Medicare.   But they neglect to tell you their savings will cost you dearly when you get to the check- out line and find that you have to pick up more of a bill, despite paying into it all these years.

They say they will create 12 million jobs, but they don’t say how or where.  (And oh surprise, the projection of 12 million jobs is about right for the economy anyway, that is, nothing they do has anything to do with it, and if they really were the job creators, they’re figures would be way higher than average.) Not everyone can come out of a community college and go into investment banking. Will these jobs be in China? Maybe they’ll export American workers the way they exported their money.  Set up work camps in China where you can answer tech support questions for pennies a day and sleep five to a room.

Their biggest lie is that giving tax breaks to the rich makes them into “job creators.”  Well, where’s the beef?, as the little old lady used to say.  Mitt Romney says trust me to fix what’s wrong with this country; I’m a successful businessman.   But success to these parasites means something very different than it to does t the average American taxpayer.  According  to Rolling Stone, Bain Capital, which Romney boasts about, was nothing but another blood sucking corporation not interested in “creating jobs” but in looting the treasuries of the companies they gobbled up.  There’s the red meat, unfortunately the meat of the working families sucked dry in the wake of the Romney and his “successful” business dealings.  Successful for him.  Tragic for you and me.  Let’s listen between the lines of the right wing rhetoric as they try to tell us how being a successful business man translates into being a successful leader of a nation. 
Sure Romney was successful in business; his success comes at our expense. He got rich. You didn’t.  And another thing,  While he boasts about tithing to his church, he refuses to tell us how much (if anything) he’s  tithed to his Country over the past several years.    Show us the tax returns Mitt.
When will Americans wake up out of their dream of pulling themselves up by bootstraps they don’t have and into an economy that people like Romney have already shipped overseas?   These people are in for themselves. They get the meat, we get the trickled down juices that spill out of their bloodied mouths. Worse, we are the meat. They would be very happy to turn all of the working Americans into their own version of Soylant green.  It’s what for Republican dinner.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"Four and Twenty Tax Returns Baked into a Pie"

In the ongoing high stakes "Stump the Chef" game, some missing tax returns had yet to turn up in the Romney kitchen cabinets.  Health inspector Harry Reid made a surprise visit to Chez Romney following a tip there might be vermin in the house.   At the very least some moldy food in the form of ten years worth of head chef Romney's IRS documents.

They aren't in the refrigerator or under the sink, so could they have been baked into the pie cooling on the window ledge and which the kitchen cabinet crew plans to savor themselves, not serve up to the voting public.  People are hungry for news.  They're starving for facts and he who holds the key to knowledge - i.e. Kingpin of the Kitchen Romney sneers, (reminiscent of the wonderful John Huston movie Treasure of the Sierra Madre.) "Taxes, taxes? I don't got to show you no stinkin' taxes."  Let them eat stone soup, or should that we stonewall stew?

As the plot unfolds, the question remains, as the little old lady asked looking under the lettuce on her fast food burger in the famous commercial: "Where's the beef?" or in this case, where are the tax returns, Mr. Romney?

Any good chef knows if you leave key ingredients out of a recipe, you'll be courting culinary disaster.  As all presidential candidates who've come before him, including Daddy George, Romney needs to dish up those returns, if he hopes to have a chance on the big cook-off in November.  It's not up to food detective Reid (as some suggest, most recently San Francisco Chronicle columnist Debra Saunders), to provide the missing ingredients for the campaign stew.  His is but to sniff around the kitchen and see what's fit to eat. Locked cabinets and barred doors do not engender trust in public servants protecting the health and safety of the dining public nor in said dines themselves. 

It's no longer about whether or not he actually paid taxes for ten years, nor how much; it's now all about the secrets in the kitchen.  Is this next few weeks going to be a rerun of Kitchen Confidential on steroids?

Don't blame Harry Reid for asking the tough questions. Blame the Romney kitchen crew and the top chef himself for hiding the most basic of information from the dining and voting public.  Could it be he doesn't want the truth to come out about how little a multi-millionaire pays in taxes compared to the average American? Maybe he's afraid they'll do the math and see that the only way the rich get richer is for the poor to get poorer. And that's the crux of the Romney tax plan:  Water down the soup and make the chumps pay more for it.

As James Carville famously put it: "The only person who has seen Romney's taxes is John McCain and he took one look and picked Sarah Palin."